At FPC Spokane, we engage in active, Kingdom-oriented service. As individuals, as families, together as a church community, and in partnership with other churches and organizations, we live out a missional journey: we speak the Good News and act boldly for compassion, justice, and mercy in Christ’s name.
“As the Father sent me, so I send you.” John 20:21
"He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8
We embody this value:
in homes, neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, Spokane, the United States, the world
especially with those who are poor, widowed, children, displaced, marginalized, weak, afflicted.
Engaging in service is one of the best ways to find your home at First Pres Spokane. Whether it's using your gifts in one of the many "internally strong" ministries within FPC, or being "externally focused" through involvement with one of our many mission partners, we invite you to join us.
World Relief Spokane and First Pres: "Good Neighbor Teams"
We’re called by Jesus to love our neighbors, particularly those who are in need of hospitality and help (Luke 10). We have dozens of FPC folks actively serving with Big Table, World Relief, Mission Community Outreach Center, The City Gate, and Family Promise, Meals on Wheels. Deeply connected to our place, we also intentionally take part in downtown and lower south hill events and initiatives.
Roosevelt Elementary School "Lunch Buddies" mentoring program
We’re using the term broadly, to describe the relationship-based ministry that happens through the "lunch buddies" mentoring program at Roosevelt Elementary, at our very own adult ELL program The Barton School, within our 1-on-1 care-giving Stephen Ministry, at MOPS, and within all relational ministry programs within FPC. Programs aside, whenever you meet with someone to encourage and love that person, you’re “on mission”!
Habitat for Humanity Summer Serve Retreat (Deer Park, WA)
We love to get our hands dirty, empowering and working alongside families in need of physical labor and expertise. Rebuilding Together Spokane, the Easter Project with Praxis Senior High Community, and our growing partnership with Habitat for Humanity are great examples.
Our Mission Partners: Presbyterian Women of Guatemala
We believe in the powerful spiritual discipline of prayer, and we see it as a must to lift up our local and global mission partners in this way. We have a goal of finding a committed congregant or two for each partner, who will receive updates and pray. Could that be you?