Growing up is a journey. As kids are starting out that adventure, we believe that our role, as the Church, is to come alongside kids and their families as they move their way through that experience. Our heart is to help give love, grace, tools, and resources to help launch kids into an incredible relationship with Jesus! We are here for you in whatever way we can be, and please never be afraid to reach out. We strive to be a community that continually walks with kids as they grow in their faith journey.
We are so glad you’re here! Here’s a quick synopsis of what a normal Sunday morning looks like for us here at Launch Kids!
Check-In happens in the Fellowship Hall. All our friends who are 2 1/2 and younger are welcome to join our awesome team in the Nursery (Room 216). All other ages will begin their morning in our church service with the whole community. During the service, kids will be dismissed:
Preschool/Kindergarten - Red Room (Room 138)
1st-2nd Grade - Blue Room (Room 149)
3rd-5th Grade - Orange Room (106/107)
Act II Communities for all ages happen directly following our service, including options for kids! We hope your family can join us!
During our morning, kids will be invited to engage in an array of activities, from up-front games to dynamic lessons and meaningful conversations.
On the second Sunday of every month, we take communion as a congregation so Elementary students have the option to stay in the service on these mornings, however Sunday School is also available. Afterward, our whole community joins together for The Gathering: a time of food, fun, and fellowship!
Click the images below to learn more and register!
Camp Wonder is full! Please email Melissa Condon at melissac@spokanefpc.org to be put on the waitlist.
When you think about God, what comes to mind? This Fall, we’re launching into this question and creating space for kids to ask all kinds of questions about who God is as we explore stories in the Bible that help us get to know Him a little bit more. Starting with this series, we’ll then head into a year-long series where we’re taking a look at amazing characteristics about God that we can learn about together!
For our Sunday mornings, we are using “Godly Play” as our key resource.
Godly Play: Making meaning through story, wonder, and play. Nurturing spiritual lives by honoring the centrality, competency, and capacity of children.
Every month, this space is updated with a new resource or website that we have found to be helpful as parents are launching their kids’ faith journey! Check out this month’s recommendation below!
The Book of Belonging: Bible Stories for Kind & Contemplative Kids
Words by Mariko Clark
Pictures by Rachel Eleanor
A beautifully illustrated Bible storybook to help the next generation of kids understand the rich diversity of God’s people, emphasizing identity, contemplation, and wonder.
The Book of Belonging is designed for families seeking a Bible storybook that reflects the diversity of God’s people and for every reader seeking a more expansive and wondrous view of God. The thoughtful text and rich illustrations present some of Scripture’s most important and overlooked stories, alongside old favorites.
Through narratives, mindful practices, and guided wonder moments, children and grown-ups alike will learn who God is and be reminded over and over that God tells each of us, “You are Beloved, you Belong, and you are Delightful.” Because when it comes to the love of God, everyone belongs.
Ryan Schmall,
Director of Family Ministries: Ryans@spokanefpc.org
Ryan Childers,
Childcare Coordinator: Ryanc@spokanefpc.org
Melissa Condon,
Families Admin Assistant: Melissac@spokanefpc.org
Follow us on Instagram:@launchkidscommunity
or like us on Facebook:
FPC Spokane Children’s Ministry.
Please feel free to reach out to us directly!