Monday Evening Men’s Group
Mondays @ 6:00pm
Reading Romans Backwards: A Gospel of Peace in the Midst of Empire by Scot McKnight
To read Romans from beginning to end, from letter opening to final doxology, is to retrace the steps of Paul. To read Romans front to back was what Paul certainly intended. But to read Romans forward may have kept the full message of Romans from being perceived. Reading forward has led readers to classify Romans as abstract and systematic theology, as a letter unstained by real pastoral concerns.
But what if a different strategy were adopted? Could it be that the secret to understanding the relationship between theology and life, the key to unlocking Romans, is to begin at the letter’s end? Scot McKnight does exactly this in Reading Romans Backwards.
Monday Evening Women’s Bible Study Group
Mondays @ 6:00pm … In-person & online
Current Study: Fascinating Bible Studies on Every Parable by Dr. William H. Marty, Cost: $13
Our meetings start at 6:00 and include Fellowship, Large Group Study Discussion, and Small Prayer Groups. We also value fellowship times after our meetings and throughout the month.
Next Study: March 24 - May 19
Psalms: At His Feet by Christine B. Gordon and Hope A. Blanton, Cost $12
This study will help us articulate the deep emotions of longing and laughter that we experience while living in a broken world. Our goal in this study is to unpack Scripture in practical ways to be able to apply God's Word to our daily lives.
Thursday Morning Men’s Bible Study Group
Thursdays, 9:30-10:30am
Led by Pastor John Sowers
Join us for fellowship, teaching and discussion. Just show up with your Bible ... and bring a friend.
Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study Group
Thursdays 9:30-11:30am
January 9 - March 27
Saints & Scoundrels in the Story of Jesus
Cost: $10 SIGN UP HERE
If worship is “Act I” of our Sunday time together as a church, then what comes next is “Act II.” Immediately after worship, we make our way into a variety of intentionally smaller and more relational communities. We call these “Act II Communities.” Below are options we are currently offering for adults. These that are designed for a variety of learning styles and relational needs. Our great hope is that you will find yourself in one of these settings and that your faith will grow and your sense of belonging and being known will be affirmed. For kids, and the adults who are coming alongside them, we have LAUNCH: FPC Kids Community during Act II. They meet in the Lower Level East Wing of our building. Nursery care, for birth-2years, is available on the main level.
Act II Communities - WINTER 2025
Communities for Children Meet Lower Level East – follow the signs to your age group
When there is no JOY
Facilitated by Betsy Wynne & team, February 16 - March 2, Fireside Room
What do you do when you or someone you care about is having trouble finding joy? Join us to hear from some experts who will help us navigate issues related to depression and anxiety.
So What?
Facilitated by Lydia Halma, Weekly, Room 210 … best Act II Community for Jr High and High School Students
Every week, our students ask an awesome question in response to the sermon. We want to keep that conversation going and unpack those questions and ideas some more during Act II. We need input from both students and adults as we explore these big ideas together! Join us as we ask "So What?"
Of Sheep and Wolves: 2 Peter & Jude … February 16 - March 30
Taught by Bruce Gore, Weekly, Sanctuary
These 2 books focus on the problem of false teacher in the church. This series will cover questions related to the tools we need to recognize and distinguish reliable leaders in the Christian world, and the proper response when we may fear that a person we love is being overly influenced by illegitimate 'teachers,' etc.
Fiber Arts Group
Bring your knitting, crochet, embroidery, etc. and join us in Room 213.
Chronicles of Narnia Book Group
Facilitated by Kris Swenson, Monthly, Room 213
March 2—The Horse and His Boy
March 30—The Magician’s Nephew
April 27—The Last Battle
Online Bible Lessons
Gospel According to John
This in depth look at the Gospel was taught by historian and biblical scholar, Bruce Gore recently at FPC. You can watch video lessons by Bruce on YouTube at this LINK.
Link to Prayer Resources / Definitions / Encouragement
These resources help us experience contemplative, imaginative prayer that can help us open our hearts in new, refreshing ways and challenge us to encounter God in all things, witnessing to the joy of the Gospel.
If you are interested in being part of a group, please let us know: email Brenda.
We respond to Christ's invitation to have all of life transformed by his Gospel.
For more information about classes and groups listed on this page and other adult ministries please go to our current newsletter or contact one of our staff members.
Brenda Norton
Director of Adult Ministries
Sue Reidt
Assoc Director of Newcomer Ministries