Know Before You Go
Important: You are choosing to journey at your own risk. Though some emergency support (safety and medical) may be available, the organizers of this pilgrimage are not to be held responsible. Most organizers will be wearing a yellow vest.
You DO NOT need to travel the entire journey. Enter and exit as needed at trailheads mentioned below.
ASL interpretation will be provided at the first 3 stops for Sacred Pauses. (Gateway Park, Harvard Rd Trailhead, Mirabeau Point Park).
The pace of this pilgrimage will allow most to stick together or catch-up at the Sacred Pauses.
Bathroom access is VERY limited including NO bathrooms at the start. Use available facilities in the area beforehand or when available. Be prepared. No trash is to be left behind.
No water is available along the trailhead. Plan to bring a sufficient supply for your portion of the journey. Some water will be provided at Sacred Pause moments.
We are using a public trail and city streets. Share the path/sidewalk and be respectful of all others. Obey all traffic laws and stop at all crosswalks. No traffic support is provided.
Organize your own drop-off and pick-up at entry and exit points. Shuttles are not provided between stops but may be available at the final stop. Plan accordingly.
What to Bring:
We encourage you to bring anything you need during the portion of the pilgrimage you plan to participate in. This might include:
Dress for all types of weather including comfortable shoes, extra layers, socks and sunscreen. As of now the weather looks to be nice. Check the weather the morning of.
Water and/or electrolyte drinks and snacks
Your own lunch (Note: There will be a 30-minute lunch break mid-walk at Mirabeau Park, full schedule below)
Bandages or moleskin for foot care.
An extra phone charger and cord
Headphones if desired
A STONE of any size from your home/yard. This will symbolize the belongings being carried by those in Gaza. At the end of pilgrimage we will be building a Cairn at First Presbyterian Church Spokane. You will leave the stone behind in this collective moment.
Signs– Please be sure signage aligns with the ethos of Christian nonviolence expressed in the GC Pilgrimage Core Convictions.