Good Friday
Order of Worship — 7:00PM
March 29, 2024
O Man, Lament Your Great Sin By J.S. Bach
Go To Dark Gethsemane Setting by David Cherwien
Processional of Crown of Nails
Invocation & Prayer
Rev. John Sowers
Hymn # 98
O Sacred Head Now Wounded
First Word
Luke 23:26, 32-34 ǀ Grace Parker
Congregational Response
Rev. Jourdan Cornell
Jesus, how many times have we been the ones who did not know what we were doing?
May we too be included in your prayer for forgiveness.
Whether we sin out of ignorance or intention, be merciful to us and grant us your grace. Amen
O Come And Mourn With Me Awhile
Second Word
Luke 23:35-43 ǀ Doug Casebolt
Congregational Response
O Lord Jesus Christ, who promised the repentant criminal the joy of Paradise, convict us through the
Holy Spirit to repent and to receive your peace in this world, and in the world to come. Amen.
Hear Us, Holy Jesus
Third Word
John 19:25-27 ǀ Christabel Agyei
Congregational Response
Savior, even in your hour of greatest suffering, you expressed compassion and care for your mother.
Help us to follow your example by loving and supporting those who suffer in our families. Amen.
At The Cross, Her Station Keeping
Fourth Word
Matthew 27:45-46 ǀ Chris Huber
Congregational Response
O Lord, there are times we are in the dark and our souls are troubled; we are weak.
Lord, do not hide your face from us when we feel shunned and forsaken, all alone.
Remind us that no matter how low we are, you, Christ, were lower still. Amen.
Bound Upon The Accursed Tree
Fifth Word
John 19:28 ǀ Afton Wootton
Congregational Response
Suffering servant, whose lips were dry and whose throat was parched, you know what it is to be flesh and blood,
accompany us in the suffering of our bodies when they fail us. Grant us the water of life,
that your love and mercy may quench our souls. Amen.
Jesus, In Thy Thirst And Pain
Sixth Word
John 19:29-30 ǀ Annika Weber
Congregational Response
O Lord Jesus Christ, you finished the work that you were sent to do; enable us by your Holy Spirit to be faithful to our call.
Grant us strength to bear our crosses, and endure our sufferings, even unto death.
May we bear witness to the good news for all. Amen.
O Perfect Life Of Love
Seventh Word
Luke 23:44-46 ǀ Rev. John Sowers
Congregational Response
Father, into whose hands your son, Jesus Christ, commended His Spirit, help us, in this same way,
to entrust our lives even to the moment of our death into your faithful hands of love.
In the name of Jesus, who gave his life for us all. Amen.
Behold The Lamb Of God
Depart In Silence
Tonight in Worship
Derrick Parker, Director | Bonnie Robinson, Organ ǀ FPC Chancel Choir |
Christopher Shepherd, Audio | Rab Greenup, Cameras | Bree Swenson, Media
All music used by permission–CCLI 32730.