Elders, Deacons, Congregational Nominating Committee (CNC)
Ministry Description
“As there were in Old Testament times elders for the government of the people, so the New Testament church provided persons with particular gifts to share in discernment of God’s Spirit and governance of God’s people…Ruling elders are so named not because they “lord it over” the congregation (Matt. 20:2), but because they are chosen by the congregation to discern and measure its fidelity to the Word of God, and to strengthen and nurture its faith and life. Ruling elders, together with teaching elders, exercise leadership, government, spiritual discernment, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of a congregation as well as the whole church, including ecumenical relations.” (Book of Order, G-2.0301)
1. Commit to personal and corporate spiritual growth and sustenance
· Maintain an active spiritual life through worship/prayer/giving/scripture/small groups
· Attend monthly Session meetings (4th Tuesdays 5:30-8:30pm)
· Attend an annual retreat (usually a Saturday in May/June)
2. Elders have the joyous responsibility of approving baptisms, serving communion, meeting with and voting to receive new members, and welcoming them during worship.
3. Elders provide primary oversight of the ministries of the church. They give shape and vision to the overall mission and vision of the church. They “rule” in the sense of measuring to see if what we are doing programmatically is in accord with our mission and values. Elders discern, guide, and provide high level vision, which they then entrust to staff and lay leaders to execute.
Board: 12 elders (3 classes of 4 (2 men and 2 women)) led by Session Moderator
Responsible to: Christ and the congregation
Length of Service: 3 years beginning in June
Time: 3-6 hours per month
Meetings: The Session meets every month on the fourth Tuesday at 5:30pm for about 3 hours. There are 2 meetings in January, no meeting in July, and a combined November/December meeting. Each Session meeting begins with a common meal, devotional, and includes a clerk’s report, Order of the Day, pastors and key leader reports, prayer, and other business. At these meetings, the elders focus on a larger issue for the church, i.e.: values statement and assessments, decision to go forward with a consultant and subsequent actions from that process, personnel planning, annual budget.
Ministry Teams: Elders serve as liaisons to the various ministries of the church. Some of those assignments give opportunity for the elder to shape policy, i.e.: finance committee, school board, mission team.
Mission Statement: “A shared ministry of compassion, witness and service, for the total well-being of God’s people”
Ministry Description
“The ministry of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress. Persons of spiritual character, honest repute, exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love, sincere compassion, and sound judgment should be chosen for this ministry.” (Book of Order, G-2.0201).
“Deacons may be individually commissioned or organized as a board of deacons. In either case, their ministry is under the supervision and authority of the session. Deacons may also be given special assignments in the congregation, such as caring for members in need, handling educational tasks, cultivating liberality in giving, collecting and disbursing monies to specific persons or causes, or overseeing the buildings and property of the congregation. Deacons shall assume other duties as may be delegated to them by the session, including assisting with the Lord’s Supper.” (Book of Order, G-2.0202)
1. Commit to personal and corporate spiritual growth and sustenance
Maintain an active spiritual life through worship/prayer/giving/scripture/small groups
Attend monthly Deacon meetings for mutual support, administration and ongoing training (2nd Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm)
Attend annual retreat (usually a Saturday in September/October)
2. Exercise and develop pastoral care and compassion
Pray regularly for the needs of the church as received through email prayer chain
Make regular contact with assigned homebound/elderly/chronically ill members, track contacts and visits on Shelby database, take communion as appropriate
Serve as Deacon on Call 4-6 times per year, delivering flowers from Sunday worship to the hospitalized, struggling, or recently bereaved, checking prayer line, making visits or phone calls as assigned by the pastor for care ministries
Serve in a ministry team or area of choosing (see below)
3. Serve as stewards of God’s household
Serve communion regularly on Sunday mornings and when requested at special services
Serve at annual Diamond Jubilee event in March/April and memorial receptions when available
Meet occasional additional requests for care for church members (rides, meals, help etc.)
Board: 18 deacons (3 classes of 6) led by a Deacon Moderator
Responsible to: Christ and the Session of the Church; Associate Pastor for Congregational Care (staff liaison)
Moderator: Provides spiritual and administrative leadership for deacons: plans and leads monthly meetings with Associate Pastor for Cong. Care; plans and coordinates retreat day; keeps open communication with Deacons to help each member fulfill the position
Finances: Deacon funds come from the general church budget as well as from specified donations (e.g. after memorial services, etc).
Length of Service: 3 years beginning in June
Time: 10-14 hours per month
Training: Approx. 10 hrs of new officer training on evenings & weekends in April/May/June annually
Meetings: The Board meets every month on the second Tuesday at 6:30pm for about 2 hours to pray together, study scripture, coordinate ministry, discuss updates on ministry teams and those receiving care, and receive ongoing training.
Occasional training occurs outside the meetings (e.g. annual retreat day or in conjunction with Stephen Min).
Ministry Teams
Each deacon finds at least one area to serve, in addition to their on-call and visitation duties.
Card team: Sending cards of encouragement, sympathy, and well-wishes to all who are being prayed for, birthdays of members ages 75+, and other needs as they arise. Postage and other supplies are reimbursed through the Deacons budget.
Diamond Jubilee Planning Team: While all Deacons are expected to help at Diamond Jubilee (usually March or April of each year), some also take leadership in planning aspects of the day and coordinating all efforts, including planning theme and worship, working with church staff to set up the facility, coordinating invitations/RSVPs, arranging for any food, etc.
Memorial Receptions Hospitality Team: Those who are available take turns serving at receptions after every memorial service held at FPC. Coffee, punch and cookies are served with grace and warmth.
Possible administrative leadership in other ministry areas See below: meals ministry, Helping Hands, etc.
Leadership Positions
Moderator: Work with Cong Care pastor to plan and lead monthly Deacon meetings, set spiritual themes and advise about monthly Bible study, oversee the smooth running of the teams, serve as a contact person for the Deacons to the wider church community, plan and help coordinate annual retreat day (Sept-October).
Secretary: Take notes on meetings and provide summaries to Session, communications to Deacons (e.g. meeting reminders, potluck coordination, etc). Coordinate on call schedules for Deacons.
Memorial Reception Coordinator(s): Primary point of contact for receptions; coordinate details for each memorial service reception at the church, including food & beverages, servers, and setup.
Other Related Ministry Areas
These ministries used to be Deacons ministries but have been “spun off” into other independent ministry areas—usually involving former deacons!
Helping Hands Team: A new ministry in 2020. From time to time some church members need help with odd jobs or light projects to improve access or livability. Materials are reimbursed through the church as needed.
Brute Squad: New in 2022, coordinated through pastors’ office (Betsy Wynne & Rene Farrington)--for heavy lifting jobs such as moving furniture or hauling loads in trucks
Take Them a Meal Ministry: This ministry enlists the help of the congregation to provide meals for a short-term time of need due to and illness, birth of a child, transition, etc. Coordinators: Anne Grow & Brian Smith
Benevolence Fund Team: Requests for help are coordinated by this team made up of pastors, Brenda Norton, Brad Hauge & Stephanie Coy
Prayer Email: René Farrington receives and sends out daily prayer requests
Prayer Team: Prayer partners available after worship.
updated 10/2/24
Congregational Nominating Committee (CNC)
Ministry Description
The CNC exists to nominate gifted members of the congregation for leadership roles based on faithful prayer and practices of spiritual discernment.
1. Active participants at FPC with connections to other members.
2. Commit to personal and corporate spiritual growth and sustenance
Board: usually 6 members led by CNC moderator
Responsible to: Christ and the congregation
Length of service: 1-3 years beginning in September; season is September through December (roughly)
Time: 4 hours per month
Meetings: The CNC meets each Tuesday for one hour. Recommendations from the congregation are received, and the CNC prays, discerns, and talks with prospective candidates for the roles of deacon, elder, and CNC member. When needed, the CNC may also submit recommendations for these roles. Meetings are held in the Senior Pastor’s office, who acts as an ex-officio member.