The 7th Ave Ministry House
A Young Adult Community of Faith Expressed Through Love
The 7th Ave Ministry House - Now Leasing [application here]! We are a new intentional living community affiliated with the Young Adult Ministry Program at First Presbyterian Church. Located on the lower south hill, the 7th Ave House is being formed to invite Young Adults to explore their identity, belonging, and purpose in community with God, others, and the neighborhood. House members are typically in the 21-29 age range.
Throughout a 1-2 year experience, house members give and receive: they give a bit of their time each week to service in the neighborhood, either within First Presbyterian Church or in other nonprofit spaces based on passions and vocational interest: examples include Feast World Kitchen, Cup of Cool Water, Roosevelt Elementary, Hope House, Common Well House Church, or others! They give themselves to a healthy community of spiritual practice, seeking to live together in the way of Jesus. They receive mentoring and love from Jesus-following neighbors who are a bit further down the road of life, vocation, and faith. They receive a welcoming, affordable place in an incredible historic home, a weekly home-cooked community meal, all utilities and internet included, access to wonderful community and private spaces within the home, and more!
We receive applications and new house members on a rolling basis. There are currently a couple of openings!
Who Runs This Thing?
The house is community-led by its members and affiliated with the Young Adult Ministry of First Presbyterian Church, just down the hill a few blocks. Wisdom and oversight come from a Ministry Advisory Team, which includes FPC members & staff, other neighborhood leaders, and liaisons from Whitworth University, Gonzaga University, Common Well, and other local partners. We are also deeply connected with the neighborhood-based ministry network Parish Collective.
Our hope is for all involved to walk alongside a cohort of young adults as they engage faith, neighborhood, and vocation in community together. Akin to other “service year” programs like Jesuit Volunteer Corps and Presbyterian Young Adult Volunteers or other “New Monastic” community houses, our house will be somewhat less all-encompassing: members will work regular jobs or study in graduate school, etc. as they experience their year together. As we live ordinary lives “adulting,” we can pursue extraordinary expressions of community.

The 7th Ave Ministry House property is programmatically connected to the young adults community at First Presbyterian Church Spokane; the building itself was privately purchased by congregation members to help make this special ministry purpose possible. In addition to the mission and values of FPC the leadership involved is committed to health, safety, diversity, equity, inclusion, non-discrimination, and justice. Above all, love is what matters most (Luke 10:25-28; Galatians 5:6; 1 Corinthians 13).